When we switched our vehicle registrations from Colorado to Texas, however, everybody began to assume [understandably] that we were born-and-bred Texans. Let it be known that we now consider, and will continue to consider ourselves, Coloradoans, in spite of our address and/or what the black-and-white license plates may indicate. So to clarify our 36-year geographic legacy, we added a Colorado flag to the bungee cord. The outcome is a Texas license plate just below a Colorado flag on the front of Faith.
Now EVERYbody is confused!
Oh well...

It is easy to understand why the license plates here advertise, "Alabama the Beautiful." But now we head into northwest Georgia; to quote Union General, William Sherman, "...GEORGIA tomorrow!" (SORRY).
[Ken 04/25/2016] We were on our way to our next project at the west edge of the Appalachian Plateau when we decided we should check out a couple places on the route. Tonight, we are spending the night at a project site that is relatively new to the SOWER ministry. We are at Eagle Rock Boys Ranch in Attalla, Alabama. There is not much here yet, except one-and-a-half boys' homes and a small RV park. |
As soon as the ranch's second residence is finished (in June) it will immediately be nearly fully occupied. Wow! As we travel these highways and byways, Deb and I continue to be overwhelmed with all of the deeply meaningful and blessed ministries that are filling REAL needs in our country. This boys ranch is a great example; another project that can use all of the help from volunteer groups that it can get. We will certainly keep this one on our list as a possible future SOWER project for us. |
things we learned
in the south
watch out for salamanders!

I jumped and he was gone.
According to some, these "creepy crawlies" are endangered. Maybe in Costa Rica, but not in the Hill Country of Texas or where we have been along the Gulf Coast of Florida and Alabama! In fact, at a structure in Texas, they were nesting in the eaves and crawling all over the moss that had grown on the building. At another location they would cling to the stucco side and bask vertically in the sunshine! Now they are climbing on my shoes in south Alabama!
Here are Some Facts:
According to Wikipedia, there are about 655 living species of salamanders. One third of these are found in North America. Interestingly the highest concentration of these guys is found in the Appalachian Mountains. Some salamanders are even poisonous.

So, there you have it! More information about salamanders than you wanted to know. I’m still wearing my colorful slogger shoes because they are great here in the Alabama mud.
[Ken and Deb 04/01/2016] April Fools Day was a challenging one for us. First off, Ken lost a crown from one of his molars. For the entire drive from Pensacola, it was pouring rain - the most we have encountered as full-time RV'ers. And when we got to our new camp, Camp Baldwin in south Alabama, Faith's slides and jacks would not work (turned out to be a failed shuttle valve on the hydraulic manifold). We set up camp as best we could. Other SOWERs were showing up in the rain, too. At least we were all in "this" together! |

In spite of the pressing deluge, Deb worked her way around-and-around the motorhome kneeling in the mud to check on each immovable jack underneath. Deb also hooked up the water, sewer, and electric. Then we had to move the motorhome a little bit. Again, Deb hooked up the water, sewer, and electric. She was kneeling and standing in the persistent Alabama rain for quite a long time.
Ken was tearing into Faith's hydraulics. Once he figured out that the shuttle valve was the problem, he had to figure out how to remove it. It was like working in a river; we were both soaked.
After showers, we were warm and cozy inside Faith. Deb put on her "Happy Camper" shirt -- attitude is everything, right? For a few days (until the new valve arrives) we are sleeping quite comfortably in a wobbly, smaller home!