another front yard

Our trip this year was nothing short of fantastic. We served at four SOWER projects and visited a fifth -- all in the western United States. Faith (our motorhome) traveled 6211 miles (getting to the Pacific NorthWest is a really, really long drive!). Almost coincidentally, we added 6200 miles to the Jeep's odometer. In total, we drove more than 12,000 miles in 12 states over 146 days, and served countless hours for SOWERs. Understandably, we are pretty tired and think the opportunity for a good rest is timely.

Now it REALLY is time to rest.
family time in colorado!
[Ken and Deb 09/28/2018] It is always special for us to be together as a family. Especially when we show up and the gang's all in town at the same time. We got to see all our kids, and Ken's mom, too. But we also got to see our most-very-special granddaughter, Ellie, several times. She is almost a teenager now, you know. Her new favorite friend is "Tiny Gadget," our adventurous YorkiePoo. Ellie and Gadget were often the show to watch, as they wonderfully enjoyed each other's company (and food)! | |
another front yard

Since our last visit, Colorado started charging a daily vehicle fee for motorhomes, as well as the toad. That brings the daily rate for a site here to almost $50 (you now pay $8 for a daily parks pass for both the toad and the motorhome); that's pretty pricey for us. But this is our last "official" campsite of 2018 and we wanted to be close to family for a few days. We will fully enjoy it before starting our trek back to Texas on Friday. WooHoo!