my autobiography

At first, I thought the project was going to be an awful lot of work. Ugh! But once I started listing the events and topics that I could write about -- the enthralling stories of my life -- the book became a labor of love. For most of a year, I sat at my desk (in Faith) and wrote every Wednesday and Saturday ... all day. In fact, I have a list of subjects to include in my second book, should I decide to write one. It all depends on whether the first book becomes a Best Seller, or not.

making an rv

Robby was living in Los Angeles at the time, but he had found/purchased the van in Grand Junction, CO. It was a lot of miles out of his way, but he drove from Colorado down to BaseCamp to do the conversion. He had preordered all of his materials, appliances, and parts-- they were delivered right to Livingston. All he needed to buy once he got to Livingston was the lumber.

He worked on it for about two weeks -- many times well into the nighttime hours, I understand. But he got it all done on by the time he needed to leave to head back to LA.
His final product was very impressive!

Robby was just finishing up his RV conversion. He needed to get back to Los Angeles for work, but had to first stop in Grand Junction, CO, to pick up Clare. It was early in the day when he left BaseCamp in Livingston. Robby was on the road by breakfast; he was taking Interstate 45 northbound.
This had never before happened. Just on the north side of Fort Worth, a van conversion merged into traffic at Decatur, Texas ... onto the same road that we were driving towards Denver. It was Robby in the van that he had just been working on in our garage!
We met up, stopped and got gas, and coordinated a meal stop in Wichita Falls. We traveled together from there all of the way to Walsenburg, Colorado.
What a coincidence! We had not communicated -- in fact, there was no amount of coordination that could have brought us together better -- leaving from different cities, at different times, taking different routes through Fort Worth rush hour traffic, and enroute to different destinations.
But we caught up to each other. And then for 565.5 miles of lonely highway, we weren't so lonely. We were on the same route together. Literally.