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Thank you for your replies! Its original location is believed to have been a park in Hagerstown, IN. It is believed to have been removed many years ago, however.
From Mercury's "Faith 7" to the final flight of the space shuttle, there is so much space history on display here. We were able to see the modified 747 that carried the shuttles after each return from the ISS. There is a complete Saturn V rocket, with Apollo command module attached, laying on its side in one building. It is the largest mechanical device ever built by man. In another building we saw a full-scale mock-up of the International Space Station ("ISS").. | |
| To this day, I remember watching on TV a scratchy B&W video feed of the room during the Apollo 11 moon landing. And during days and days of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, "Houston, we have a problem...". And this is the room where on 28 January 1986 the Challenger disaster was first seen. This room has seen (and made) a lot of fantastic history. . |
We are now camped at the edge of a field on the northeast corner of Hitchcock, Texas. This is the epicenter of the second land contact that Harvey made along the Gulf Coast. For one hundred miles north, and one hundred miles south, this area was flooded for three (and more) days by as much as 24 feet of water.
We are in good company. There are ministry groups here from as far away as California and Oregon. In fact, there are so many relief workers that there are no more places to plug in an RV. Though we have not officially started our work here yet, we have already met a lot of the people who were flooded, and even helped out at a recovery distribution point where the community could stop by for personal hygiene products, bedding, and food supplies. There is a lot of damage; there are a lot of displaced people. Most lost everything. It is going to be an eye-opening month, I am afraid.