Our hope was that the kids will take the valuables, whether that is antiques, model trains, or that 30 year old Christmas Cactus. But, kids want their own stuff, not our stuff. So we are left with that question again. What do we do with all the stuff? I think our desire is to bless people or organizations with our possessions. What does that look like?
An estate sale with reasonable prices is one way. Blessing some newlyweds with a reasonably priced dining room table and chairs may be another which also provides a little revenue. What about donations to a church’s garage sale which provides a tax receipt. We haven’t even decided what we really want to keep.
It is an overwhelming and daunting task. I sometimes walk into a room, look around and leave the room not making any kind of decision. We are living amidst boxes and piles trying to dedicate places for what to keep and what to sell. Don’t forget the things we want to put into the RV! AAAH!
So, “diving in” is the only way. And I have to change my thinking. Besides, it’s just stuff. What does it really mean anyway? Thirty-six years of accumulation just for the sake of accumulating. In the end it does not matter. We are doing our kids a big favor by down-sizing for them. I’m sure it will be appreciated when the time comes for us to meet our Savior in the glorious heaven waiting for all believers in Jesus Christ.
But, really the hardest thing for me is leaving “my routines”. I will miss Community Bible Study and the Sisters in Christ who are such a support. Wednesdays have become my refuge and opportunity for rejuvenation. The hugs sustain me for the week, not to mention the prayer support. A piece of my heart will remain in Evergreen, Colorado.
What can I say about leaving our kids in the Denver area? The fact that I will go through the grieving process has not hit me. I am grieving the leaving of my friendships already. This is especially true in the leaving of my very dear best friend of 25 years. I will not really miss my work colleagues. At least I don’t think so. Yes, I have spent almost four years serving God in caring for the elderly. I feel my time of service in this role is ending. Time for a new Mission!
I am excited about the new opportunities to serve God in new places. This time I will be serving alongside my loving husband. There is a new adventure ahead. Did you know that ADVENTURE means: A wild and exciting undertaking or taking a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome? We are definitely taking a risk. But, our risk is filled with faith and hope and trust in our God who is showing us the way to go.
We go from getting rid of stuff, grieving the leaving the ones dear to us, to looking forward to our new adventure. This is hard to do all at once. Staying close to God will get us through.
I know that Ken feels the same; we challenge you to look at your life and strive for an adventure. It is different for everyone. Where is the Lord taking you? Do you need a relationship with Him? An adventure with Christ is never what you think it will be but, it will be wonderful because you are in His will. And it will be rewarding in ways you cannot comprehend or anticipate.
What do you crave? ...STUFF? ...or ADVENTURE?
our home becomes
a warehouse!
silly down-sizing humor
They negotiate a bit and the angel flies back up to God and presents the request. He quickly returns with God's reply, "OK, but you can bring only one suitcase." So the rich man liquidates everything he owns and fills that suitcase with bricks and bricks of gold bullion.
The day swiftly arrives and off the man goes to the Pearly Gates ... lugging one very, very heavy suitcase. St. Peter greets him inquisitively, "Hey what is that? ...You know you can't bring it with you, right?"
The man replies that he got a special deal from God, "Check it out," he says.
St. Peter calls the angel over to confirm the special circumstance, "The boss said he is right, but He wants us to inspect the contents of the suitcase."
So, with a great heave, the man lays the suitcase up on St. Peter's table. He unlatches it and opens it under the Gates. St.. Peter looks inside ... "PAVEMENT?!? After all of this, you just brought MORE PAVEMENT???"